Becoming A Sponsor

2016 Iowa InfraGard Chapter Sponsorship Guidelines

About InfraGard. From drinking water supplies to communications systems, chemical production processes to agricultural resources, Americans depend on a select group of critical infrastructures to sustain our way of life. Any attempts to harm or destroy these resources would directly impact the security of the United States and its citizens. Most of these systems and services are owned and operated by private industry. Therefore, the protection of our nation’s infrastructure cannot be accomplished by the federal government alone. It requires coordinated action from numerous stakeholders – including government, the private sector, law enforcement and concerned citizens. InfraGard is the critical link that forms a tightly-knit working relationship across all levels. Each InfraGard chapter is geographically linked with an FBI Field Office, providing all stakeholders immediate access to experts from law enforcement,industry, academic institutions and other federal, state and local government agencies. By utilizing thetalents and expertise of the InfraGard network, information is shared to mitigate threats to our nation’s critical infrastructures and key resources.

Collaboration and communication are the keys to protection. Providing timely and accurate information to those responsible for safeguarding our critical infrastructures, even at a local level, is paramount in the fight to protect the United States and its resources.

Our Chapter Sponsorship Program

The Iowa InfraGard Chapter offers three levels of chapter sponsorships: Gold, Silver, Bronze. These levels correspond to the increasing amounts of marketing exposure that the sponsor will have to our members. Gold sponsors are considered high-exposure hosts

of all monthly meetings. Silver sponsors are lower-exposure hosts of one meeting per quarter. Bronze sponsors are co-hosts of a single, monthly meeting program.

Sponsors may not give a full presentation at a meeting where they are promoted as a sponsor to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest. Sponsorships are not exclusive, except for the Gold Chapter Sponsor.

Gold Sponsorship - $5,000 (limited to one Gold Sponsor per year)

The Gold sponsor is our premier Chapter sponsor receiving maximum exposure on the Chapter website and in Chapter communications to members. The Gold sponsor is listed as an annual sponsor on all special Chapter events including monthly meetings, programs, and event correspondence. The Chapter will prominently display the sponsor's logo and URL to the sponsor’s website on the Chapter's website landing page and Sponsor’s representative is invited to participate in all open Chapter meetings and programs for one year. (Advance registration is required.)

§ Attendance to all open meetings and events for one year. Registration required and additional fees may apply for special events (field trips, sporting events, holiday party, etc.).

§ Logo and URL to vendor’s website on Chapter website for the year.

§ Separate logo and URL on our website under "Gold Sponsors" for the year.

§ Recognition at all Chapter meetings and in all communications to members.

§ Ability to display collateral at all monthly meetings for a year. Limit of two Gold or

Silver Sponsor collateral tables per meeting.

Silver Sponsorship - $3,000 (limited to two Silver Sponsors per year)

The Silver sponsor receives exposure on the Chapter website. The Silver sponsor is listed as an annual sponsor on all special Chapter events including monthly meetings, programs, and event correspondence.The Chapter will prominently display the sponsor's

logo and URL to the vendor’s website on the Chapter's website landing page and Sponsor's landing page for six months and Sponsor’s representative is invited to participate in all open Chapter meetings and programs for one year. Registration is


§ Attendance to all open meetings and events for one year. Registration required and additional fee may apply for special events (field trips, sporting events, holiday party, etc.).

§ Logo and URL to vendor’s website on Chapter website for six months.

§ Ability to display collateral at six monthly meetings during a year. Limit of two Gold or Silver Sponsor collateral tables per meeting.

Bronze Sponsorship - $1,500 (Unlimited number of Bronze Sponsors)

The Bronze sponsor is as an annual sponsor on all special Chapter events, including monthly meetings,programs, and event correspondence. The sponsor receives exposure essentially at a single program during their sponsorship period and can provide marketing collateral in the room. The Bronze sponsor may send representatives to one program.

§ Attendance to one program. Registration required and additional fees may apply for special events(field trips, sporting events, holiday party, etc.).

§ Logo and URL to vendor’s website on Sponsor page for one month.

§ Ability to display collateral at one monthly meeting. There may be up to four

Bronze Sponsors at any one meeting

All Chapter Sponsors are listed in the chapter’s program and on our website. Sponsors may not give a full presentation at a meeting they sponsor to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest. The InfraGard logo may not be used by the sponsor for any purpose and no press releases maybe made that are not approved by Iowa InfraGard and the Iowa Division of the FBI.